The Howard County
Fair Scholarships
& Sponsorships
Each year, the Howard County Fair Association offers up to six $2,000 scholarships to be awarded to qualified individuals to assist with their educational expenses. The Fair Association hopes that the scholarship recipients will someday return to the fair as volunteers.
Image: Mickey Day (President – Howard County Fair Assn., Inc.) and Makenzie Hereth (2019 Scholarship Winner).
Applicant must be or have been a member of the Howard County 4-H/FFA program and must have participated in the Howard County Fair.
Applicant should be directing their education toward agriculture, home economics, or a related field such as: plant or animal science, business, consumer affairs, child development, economics, biochemistry, microbiology, veterinary science, and trade school.
Applicant must be at least a current junior in high school.
Previous winners cannot apply.
The scholarship will be paid directly to the recipient's college, university, or trade school. If the winner is not currently enrolled in a college, university, or trade school, the money will be held up to three (3) years, at which time it will revert to the Howard County Fair Association, Inc.
The decision of the Scholarship Committee is final.


A completed application form, current official sealed transcript of grades, and a head/shoulder photograph must be submitted. All application materials will be returned.
Applicants must attach a copy of their most recent 4-H Summary Form, 4-H Story, and their 4-H Resume or FFA Proficiency Records. If these records are out of date, they may be updated with an attachment. Applicants may also attach evidence of community or school recognition.
Applications must be delivered to the Howard County Fair Office no later than 6:00 pm on Saturday, August 12, 2023, the last day of the Howard County Fair. Scholarship winners will be announced at the Annual Howard County Fair Stockholders Dinner, held on the fourth Tuesday in October.
The Maryland State Fair offers two scholarships for students. Recipients of the Maryland State Fair Scholarship Awards and the Marlin K. Hoff Scholarship will be recognized during the Maryland State Fair at a special ceremony.